Rogers vs. FR4 PCB Materials: Which is Right for Your High-Frequency Applications

Introduction PCBs or printed circuit boards must be made from the right materials to deliver the performance expected of them. The proper choice of materials for a PCB not only affects its final [...]


Flex Cut vs. Non-Flex Cut PCBs – Key Differences and Applications in Modern Electronics

Introduction Many modern electronic appliances nowadays use flexible circuit boards as these offer several advantages over the regular rigid variety. High-precision lasers or other mechanical [...]


Advanced X-Ray Inspection Techniques for Complex Multi-Layer PCBs

Introduction During the past decade or so, PCBs or printed circuit boards have become extremely complex. They now have a high number of layer counts and very high component density, and their [...]


Conformal Coating vs. Potting – Protecting PCBs in Harsh Environments

Introduction Eminent PCB or Printed Circuit Board manufacturers like Rush PCB Inc. often protect their boards with either a layer of conformal coating or by potting them. The choice depends on [...]


The Importance of IPC Standards in PCB Production

The Association Connecting Electronics Industries, now known as the Institute for Printed Circuits or IPC is a trade association for the electronic interconnection industry. It authorizes [...]


Effect of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing on the PCB Manufacturing Industry

Industry 4.0 is leading to huge gains in factory productivity, efficiency, and data automation. This is primarily due to parallel advancements in AI or artificial intelligence, smart [...]


Are HDI Boards Economical?

The focus of the electronic industry is on HDI or High-Density Interface boards right now. Rightly so, as the trend of the industry is to produce devices with minuscule form factors, for which, [...]


All About Materials for HDI PCBs

Manufacturing HDI PCBs requires a variety of materials. They are necessary to create a layer stackup, etch the unwanted copper, apply a solder mask, apply a surface finish, and print the [...]


Microvias Design Challenges

Designers can pack an astounding amount of functionality into a small device, and they have the HDI design technique to be thankful for this. HDI design techniques, including microvias design, [...]


PCB Cost Vs. Functionality Vs. Manufacturability

Eminent PCB manufacturers like Rush PCB Inc. know that a board’s stack up directly affects its cost. Additionally, there are fabrication variables that also contribute to the cost of a board. [...]